Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cant Live without.....

i cant live without my laptop...
not only laptop but also internet line...
i just cant live without both of it...
i need both thing in life so that i can simply update myself with current issues
since we're in Y2K... i think i prefer choosing to update myself with technology
instead of using the traditional method such as newspaper.

i cant live without my handphone
because im not type of person who loves to stay in one place for such a long time..
i rather to move around and exploring new things...
so i guess i just cant live without my handphone because it makes my life easier and for everyone to find me too XD

i just cant live without fruits and vegetables...
i really cant live without both of this...
at least i had either of them in my daily meal...
if not i will definitely find alternative way so that i can get fruits/vegetables in a day... at least once or twice in 1 day....
if not i think i surely die and keep on thinking bout fruits/vegetables which cause me hard off to bed... LOL

i cant live without car!!..
this effing true!!... i just cant live without car..
why?? because as i mention earlier i just cant stay to one place for such a long time...
i prefer to move around and travelling...
so i just cant live without car....
if no car meaning 'mati way' for me...
gosshh i just cant imagine it... ''mati way'' is definitely like a nightmare for me!! so please dont take my car away~~ WELL, i mean even though its not under my name yet but still when ever i need it, just make the car available for me PLeaseee!!! XD

i cant live without water...
yes... a plain water... i really need this in daily life...
i just cant imagine if i cant get any plain water for a day...
yes.. we can change it to other drinks such as milo, tea, and yet i still need water...

hmm.. there's still lot of things i cant live without LOL..
i just cant mention it here because my mind start to mess around...
could not think properly now...
till then...

chao2 kikik......n_n


  1. smua la kan u cnt live w/o ni sis.. miahahaha

  2. oh... ada sesetgh sa buli hidup tanpa seperti:_

    1. makeup.. eyeliner, lipgloss anything x paya.. klr dgn naked face ja haha

    2. daging... sa rasa tidak penting pun LOL...

    3. beg.. because sa rasa bikin susa ja tu beg.. bikin tmbh berat d badan wakakkaka

    4. shoes/heels.. hahaha pakai slipper ok suda wkakakaka....

    n byk jua la wakkaka
