Wednesday, July 28, 2010


GOOSSHHH!!! just received tentative program for this coming saturday!!!
i thought it just a family gathering yg besa ja...
sekali when get the programme.. nah matai~~~ mcm event besar2an tau!!! issshhhhhh

look the tentative below:-


1st Soluoi Reunion Dinner

31st July 2010, Bundusan Place,

Jalan Bundusan Kota Kinabalu

0500: Arrival of organizing committee

0600: Arrival and gathering of clan members and registrations

0630: Convergence in Hall

0640: Video Presentation

0700: Stage Parade of family

0720: Welcoming address by organizing chairperson Mrs Angeline Boilis

0730: Dinner

0800: Speech by Clan Advisor/Leader Datuk Steven Kutai

0810: Commencement/Announcement of games:

- Fruit Basket Weigh Guessing;

- Most Signature Collected and Name the Photographs (for children 15 and below)

0820: 1st stage presentation: Jikuis Family (purple)

0830: Lucky Draws (12)

0840: 2nd Presentation; Jinggullis Family (green): Rampai Sari

0850: Free Floor Sumazau

0900: 3rd stage Presentation: Jouyis Family (red)

0910: Lucky Draws (12)

0920: Children’s Fashion Show/Contest - ‘Prince and Princess Soluoi’

0940: Open Karaoke

1000: Games (Musical Chair & Statue Dance)

1015: Prize Presentation for all games winners inclusive of Basket Weigh, Most Signature Collected and Name the Photographs

1025: Birthday Cake Cutting for birthday boys and girls

1035: Prize Presentation of Children’s Fashion Show - Prince and Princess Soluoi

Prize presentation of Miss Elegant and Mr Valiant Soluoi (Soluoi Tolundus & Soluoi Tosiou)

1045: 4th presentation: Jinggulis Family (green)

1050: Lucky Draws (10) + 1 Grand Lucky Draw

1055: Poco Poco (line dancing)

1100: Grand Finale Everyone Sing ‘…………………….’




Welcoming family members/guests – members on duty to usher members, have to wear traditional costumes . They are :-

1. Maria Kutai

2. Nicolette Jane

3. Beben

4. Cyrstal April

5. Amanda

6. Rochelle

 Ushered to be accompany by Live Gong.

*nah.... i have to wear traditional costume lg!!!... tukar2 la bju sa ni kan haiyaa.....


1. Sigar ( Soluoi Tosiou)
2. Sash & Crown and Flowers (Soluoi)

*MEANING!!!! SEPA YG AKAN JADI PRINCE AND PRINCESS TIME TU!!! dress sa tidak malatop oo!!! biar la tu!!!  * trying to ignore this* AHHAHA.... hancur harapan.... huhu

Children’s Fashion Show/Contest - ‘Prince and Princess Soluoi’

*this one sa pun bertugas kc make up anak buah sa (Amber & Sheirlyn) !! =_=''
suda sa kana booked dr mum durg awal2 lg.....


oh... blm lg mention afta the event, rushing to blue lagoon for my aunt birthday party... +_+'' pingsan~~~

1 comment:

  1. jan ckp...kita x p tulung ursher.....maka nama kita yg numbur 1 numbur 2....alalala.....sia butul2 kelam kabut tu hari...dekat lg sia x mau p
